
JJDA-016 Mary Tachibana, A Gentle And Gentle Busty Housewife

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@Jcm3xxx don't want to offend but ur words are totally offend. All I want to say to you is stop bringing real life moral standards into porn videos. This is where we have fun, we can do things that we can't do in real life, that's why they like watching things like rape

I have several questions about jav, I don’t want to offend anyone. I think the woman are amazing and they know how to fuck better than most other women around the world. Question one is why do these directors pick the ugliest old slobbering men to fuck these beautiful women? Why do Japanese men want to see rape so much, half these movies are women being raped and by the end they are magically Cumming on the rapists dick. In my country the only thing lower than a rapist is a child molester and if we catch either of those before the police we kill them. Lastly what’s the fascination with 5 or more dirty fat disgusting old men gang banging hot 18 or 19 year old girls? Then cumming all over the girl. If you enjoy watching old men slobbering on beautiful women and girls there’s something wrong with you and if you enjoy watching these rape videos even though they are fake then you still need your teeth kicked down your throat. From what I can see from your adult videos Japanese women are superior to Japanese men in every way and you are so threatened by them that you treat your women like shit and jerk off watching girls get raped or abused. No wonder the really hot ones love Europe and America. They don’t get treated like a dog and they get fucked a whole lot better than what I have seen in your videos. If this is the cultural norm towards women then you are a bunch of clowns who don’t deserve the beauty of the women from your country. Curious how your country produces women of incredible beauty and men who are the exact opposite. Are only women allowed to go to the dentist in Japan? Does anyone in your country know how to eat pussy? It’s not a bowl of ramen you retards.

Very nice video sexy

She's gorgeous I'm jealous of this young man gets to screw her

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